Red in Delft: Approachable and Near By PvdA Priorities
Every four years it's time for city council elections. On 14,15 and16 March 2022 we will elect a new city council. Below you can read the points of view of PvdA Delft: Red in Delft. Our ten priorities for a Social Delft.Red in Delft: Approachable and Near By PvdA Priorities
1. A city with affordable housing
Residents want good, attractive and sustainable homes for everyone. We
- Develop new construction projects at least 30% social housing;
- Work with investors on affordable housing just above the social rental sector limit;
- Help starters with start-up schemes;
- Build suitable homes for the elderly, thus making existing homes available for others;
- Prevent house speculation by making use of a self-occupancy obligation and the rental permit.

Everyone should be able to participate in sustainability efforts. We work with residents and entrepreneurs to the implementation of the energy transition plan. We
- Want all new construction of homes and businesses to be energy neutral;
- Want all social rental homes to be made more sustainable;
- Want grants to be available to those who cannot (completely) pay for them themselves;
- Organize this at neighbourhood level and ensure that residents have a say.
3. We opt for a Neighbourhood-oriented approach
The neighbourhood is the place where people meet. Delft residents are looking for a connection. In community centers, residents should always be welcome for a cup of coffee and a chat. The PvdA wants the municipality in neighbourhoods to be approachable and stable, especially for difficult themes such as the energy transition.
- Ensure that there is a place in the neighbourhood where residents can go with their questions;
- Map out opportunities and problems in their neighbourhood with residents through ‘Quality of life’- consultations;
- Support places where people can meet, such as community centers;
- Improve green areas in the neighbourhood.
4. More water and greenery in the city
The PvdA wants to make public outdoor space a lot more attractive. We:
- Stimulate nature inclusive building, and ensure the reuse of rainwater;
- Encourage residents to get to work themselves to give their neighbourhood a green impulse and/or to combat litter.
5. A safe and accessible city.
People should be able to walk safely on the street. Slow traffic is number one for the PvdA. We:
- Want the speed limit for all vehicles to be 30 km/h and a the enforcement to maintain this limit;
- Want the pedestrian to feel safe and cycle paths to become more attractive;
- Want people to be able to walk safely on the street and invest in better enforcement and preventive measures, such as neighbourhood coaches and youth workers;
- All buildings must be accessible to everyone, this includes disabled people;
6. A city without poverty
We find it unacceptable that people in Delft, adults and children, have to live in poverty. The PvdA believes it is important that everyone has a fair chance in life. We:
- Don’t want further cutbacks on schemes for people with a low income;
- Ensure that municipal minima schemes are available with an income of up to 130% of the social assistance standard;
- Want to help more people find a job through a job seekers hotline;
- Want to prevent people from falling into a downward spiral by identifying debt at an early stage.

The PvdA is committed to good education and schools so every child gets a fair start. Our ideal is a so called ‘community school’ in the neighbourhoud where education, sports and youth care meet strengthen. Delft youngsters deserve good care if things don’t work out at home. We:
- Want to combat language backlog and make early childhood education for all children accessible and affordable;
- Believe that every child should have access to homework support;
- Don’t want waiting lists for help to young people;
8. New Jobs and Fair Work
The PvdA wants for all different levels of education enough work available and training opportunities. We:
- Provide more internships and jobs for the practically skilled and those with fewer opportunities on the labour market;
- Focus on the manufacturing industry, the visitor economy, but also construction, the sustainability challenge, education and healthcare;
- Foresee opportunities at the Schie-oevers, the TU-district, around the DSM terrain and in the city center;
- Think speaking the Dutch language an important condition to participate. We expand the range of language courses and integration.
9. Participation of residents and local entrepreneurs
The PvdA wants to continue to innovate in the field of citizen participation in decision making. This still goes wrong too often. We:
- Improve contact between the city council and citizens;
- Strengthen Delfts Doen and cooperation with residents’ organisations;
- Listening to residents and entrepreneurs;
- Experimenting with new forms of citizen participation such as a citizens’ council and children’s council;
- Pay attention to improving local journalism;

The PvdA wants the Delft citizen to be helped as best as possible, preferably through tailor-made solutions. Inhabitants of Delft can turn to the local ombudsman for problems they can’t solve themselves. This way we ensure that undesirable situations don’t remain unseen and exist for too long.
Would you like to know if you are allowed to vote and how to vote? On the website of the Kiesraad you’ll find everything you need to know about voting for the city council elections.